About Us

More than 500 fully automated systems manufactured by DEAMCO are in operation throughout the world.

World-wide manufacturing plants and sales offices for immediate and expert help in meeting your companies' unique needs. Over fifty years of innovative technology and experience that makes automation pay off in increased productivity and profit. Feed systems that can handle your bulk material quickly, reliably, carefully and with uniterrupted flow.

Users of DEAMCO's Products and Services
"The belief that a product - no matter how good and economically made today - can be made better and more econimical through automation has brought DEAMCO products and services into eminence."

Research and Development
DEAMCO'S anticipates your needs in automated equipment engineering through an on-going research and development effort. This allows DEAMCO to have systems ready for you when required.

DEAMCO has furnished a substancial number of various types and sizes of equipment and systems for commercial, industrial and military requirements.

©2004-2013 Deamco Corporation. All rights reserved.